Bob Heubel
San Francisco Bay Area artist Bob Heubel has been painting since time began. From city art installations to pub walls, you can find his work out and about in San Leandro, CA.
Visit his site to see all his latest work at chickenbonebob.com.
Featured in the anthology Unlocked Stories, R.W. Heubel’s short story, "Reveal," is loosely based on his larger book project titled, "We Three." Heubel is a former tech evangelist with more than a 120 patents to his name in the field of haptics. He's also the co-founder of the video game studio, Robots and Donuts.
Featured artist
Visit Coffee Contrails to listen to Bob’s 2020 interview and story Reveal with over 1,000 downloads and climbing.
He narrates a Victory letter and Johnny Grant Private Eye and is featured in Thomas Throop’s radio play Freddy Finn and the Catfish Burglar Matter.
Listen from Apple Podcasts.